Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool.Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. Discuss both views and give your opinion

modern world, technologies are rampant to every individual, somehow, it is part of our daily lives, some people find
game good for educational tool and funny at the same time, though others, disagree with
idea and can cause a harmful effect. In
essay, I will discuss both sides and give my own opinion.
, there is an application that promotes or help people to be educated while having fun playing it.
For example
, the children application games,
game teach the kid how to read and identify colours.
could help the children to learn easily and be educated.
, playing
in an Ipad or computer needs proper guidance with the parent.
on the other hand
, most of the youngsters today's generation are addicted to social media, mostly, the
For instance
, according to the CNN news report, mostly young people who played Mobile Legend was diagnosed of having illness in
young age, most have eye and mental problem, they get addicted and can face their laptop more than 24 hours without eating and even taking personal hygiene,
that is
why many children or teenagers get mentally retarded.
, playing too much
games is being discouraged. In conclusion, playing
games is not bad, it will help others to be educated while having fun at the same time but sometimes if there is no proper monitoring or guidance from a parent it could cause the kids to be addict and worst to be ill.
Submitted by abaloraemie on

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