International tourism has brought about enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The overseas travel industry is enjoying an upsurge of popularity in recent years.
situation has surely brought about both benefits and drawbacks, which are discussed in
essay. On the one hand, international tourism contributes a significant amount in countries’ GDP. One obvious benefit of
scenario is that there is an influx of tourists coming to popular destinations.
is an opportunity for local residents to make earnings, which can enhance the significant portion of national income for many countries. To be more specific, tourism in Vietnam makes
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profit than other industries.
In addition
, a clear advantage of
situation would be exchanging cultural heritage between foreigners and inhabitants.
In other words
, a foreigner when visiting local sites can enlarge more knowledge about other habits and customs,
local can learn more about
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foreign culture.
On the other hand
industry could
be detrimental to residents and
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the environment
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. From a social perspective, the overconsumption of disposal items from tourists
as plastic bags or face masks can damage to
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pollution. Indeed, the air quality in Hanoi is decreasing due to those above-mentioned reasons. Another negative aspect would be there are some infectious diseases
as covid 19 in the world. If the government imposes strict rules about entering a country, local inhabitants will not be prone to the virus form a foreign tourist. An excellent example of
would be that Vietnam had illegal migrators from China, which caused a
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disease for citizens. In conclusion, with all its merits and demerits,
situation can exert a double-edged impact on our lives.
, it is suggested that we need to be fully aware of all the pitfalls and unhappiness that are associated with their awareness before any necessary action can be taken to avoid negative consequences.
, international tourism brings about various benefits more than disadvantages. I would argue that the benefits described above are eclipsed by a variety of drawbacks.
Submitted by nguyenletrung90 on

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