Some individuals opine that
childrens'sRemove the s
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is the best the learn new
, while others say that
moreAdd an article
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to grasp
essay intends to discuss both perspectives.
, I believe that
are more quick learner as compared to young ones.
There are enormous reasons why
are well suited
for Change preposition
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to observe different languages.
are well educated as compared to children. They are more focused in terms
forChange preposition
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learning new concepts
speciallyReplace the word
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, one of my friends from India
,Remove the comma
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visited me in
PhilippinesCorrect article usage
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for the
time. When
iChange the capitalization
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met her
iChange the capitalization
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saw she
PhilippinesCorrect article usage
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really well. I asked her how, and she told me that she took
one weekAdd a hyphen
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classes before came to
Change the capitalization
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philippinesCorrect article usage
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, they can approach the new
in a realistic as well as in
fasterCorrect article usage
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have a strong motivation to learn new
. If the
is linked with their professional work or
in Change preposition
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they learn the
effectively. Due to the awareness of education beforehand, it is
easilyReplace the word
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for them to adapt
newChange preposition
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concept and learning easily.
, they have
a Remove the article
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patience and longer attention while learning
foreignAdd an article
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tongue. They knew it
is not only helpChange the verb form
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them to learn
newAdd an article
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help them to have more open doors for their
in future.
, there are many reasons why children 's
is more fittable
for Verify preposition usage
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to learn another
give their reasons as follows.
youngAdd an article
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mind can
new information easily. In the developing
their mind still in the process of learning new things, So whatever they are learning in their childhood it will be with them forever.
, whatever
children hear in their childhood, he will start talking about that
when they
grownAdd the auxiliary verb
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, they are not afraid to make mistake, they do not even care what people will
goingChange the verb form
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to say if they speak wrongly.
In conclusion,
iChange the capitalization
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reiterate my opinion that both young and adult can learn
foreignAdd an article
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can learn new
more in
efficientAdd an article
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and effective way as compared to young ones.