Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. Do you agree or disagree?

In the present age, the right investment has become essential for the development of the overall economy. Some
feel that the government should invest money in the entertainment areas
as music, dance, and theatre.
, I agree with
notion that
wealth should be utilized for the well-being of citizens which will improve their standard of living. The upcoming paragraphs will analyze two factors that contribute to
affirmation, as well as my personal opinion.
, the wealth earned by the ministry should be spent on the residents for their well-being.
is because
earned amount is nothing but peoples’ money which they pay in the form of tax. So, it makes more sense to spend that amount on
who are in need and cannot afford their basic necessities
as food, shelter, education.
For instance
, in some part of India,
in the villages cannot afford to go to school due to high fees. In
a case, education should be made free by spending capital on building schools and colleges in rural areas, which will increase the literacy rate. So it could be stressed that national treasure must be used for needy
, it can
be used to improve the infrastructure facilities of the nation, especially in the countryside.
In other words
, if the infrastructure is developed, the citizens can benefit from it for their personal purpose.
For example
, building a bridge on the river at the village can help all the villagers to transport from village to city for various purposes like school, work.
In contrast
, if the government spends money on music or art
it will only help very few
, observing
instances it could be said that the national income should be utilized for public services. In conclusion, it is inevitable to say that the cash spent on necessities and developmental activities rather than entertainment activities can benefit a larger amount of
to solve their problems.
, it can be said that it is better to spend national capital in the right place for the general public. If government take the above-said actions,
the problems of the common
will diminish.
Submitted by Mamta on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural enrichment
  • expression of creativity
  • promote diversity
  • enhance social cohesion
  • boost tourism
  • job creation
  • stimulate economic growth
  • improve quality of life
  • essential services
  • maintenance and development
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