Life has changed over the years. The biggest problem is not worrying about being able to eat something anymore, but the biggest desire of people nowadays is to buy expensive gadgets even if they cannot afford them.
unwise action might lead to debt. Some of the reasons are connecting to the idea of showing the status in the society. By introducing stricter rules, related to the loans, might be a solution.
Everyone has their own place not only in their family or in the workplace among coworkers but Linking Words
everywhere they go and in every group. These positions can be occupied with behaviour and with possessions. Linking Words
For instance
, if we see a man in a shirt with a Rolex watch in his arm driving a BMW Linking Words
we might think that he is a wealthy person, Linking Words
we will treat him with respect. For Linking Words
reason, people are willing to spend more on pieces of equipment which are not necessary for their life and cost too much to pay by themselves.
There are already exist a few rules directing the method who can have an instalment and who cannot. Linking Words
, human beings tend to trick the system as having credit to be able to pay another loan. Were the possibilities reduced and broadened, the requirements would make it harder to create a debt. Linking Words
For example
, one person only can have one credit and maybe Linking Words
would reduce the possibility of a mortgage.
To summarize, with severe new laws the human greed could be controlled and reduced the expenses for unnecessary accessories. Hopefully, someday, humanity will be able to learn how to use money wisely.Linking Words