How are you? Hope you are doing well. I’m sorry that
I won’t be able to attend your party, as I have a lot on my plate right now.
Just recently I had written to you regarding my promotion with all the benefits I would receive after the event due to which I have been struggling with the new position which comes with greater responsibility of managing and getting work done with time and quality. Before as an assistant ,manager I had fewer Add a comma
Fix the agreement mistake
just convincing the clients and getting the documents verified but as a senior ,manager things have changed. I have to read all the documents and verify them according to the client's interests and Change preposition
sign them.
I received your letter a month ago and wanted to write to you but was a bit dicey if I would make it to the party. As I mentioned about all my duties which I have to do every day even after my office hours as well as on weekends got me no time to revert.
I have a personal leave Linking Words
month and if you are free we could catch up Linking Words
any day you feel fit. Hope to see you soon.
Lots of love,
Vaidehi.Change preposition