t is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

It is true that infants who are at an early age cannot distinguish clearly what is good or bad behaviour. So, to help
learn to understand the differences between them, I completely agree with
opinion relating to punishments being necessary within the process of education about what is right and what is wrong. There are several reasons why taking certain measures can effectively discipline children in their behaviours.
, the function of punishment is to let young
know doing bad things costs.
For example
, some spoiled boys like to make noises in restaurants or at a library, they indeed bother others except themselves. If there are no limitations on
, they will not realize how unacceptable what that they have done is, so the same wrong they will make again and again. With regard to what kind of punishments should be used in family and schools.
of all, I oppose all forms of physical harms to a child’ body, as well as shouting at them. They are bad disciplinary methods
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and purely exerts pressure on
leading to more problems, which could cause physical injures or mental stress.
, the best way to punish should cover two main aspects. One
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is that with proper penalties supervisors or parents can reduce the children’s entertainment activities
as forbidding watching TV, going to the park and so on. The other is exact rules that mean the supervisors should tell children what will happen if they disobey the right rules and do not comply with regulations, in other,
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words a warning. In conclusion, my view is that restrictions for misbehaviour plays an important role in a child’s upbringing and
, establishes the boundaries of what the right and wrong actions are, but punishments should not harm children in any physical or mental way.
Submitted by gyinghunan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • punishment
  • positive reinforcement
  • consequences
  • time-outs
  • removal of privileges
  • open communication
  • clear expectations
  • consistency
  • fairness
  • disciplinary action
  • proportionate
  • moral values
  • internalization
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