every year several languages die out. some people think that this is not important because life would be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Unlike ancient times, multiculturalism is predominant in many countries worldwide. As a consequence, in most states, a language with a higher population dominates and affects the usage of minority linguistic culture, which leads to that dialects disappearing or vanish. Though many supported
reduction of multiple lingoes, I personally disagree with
context that fewer dialects would make life easier. If the speech of an ethnic group ceases to exist, the thread-like loss of their identity and nativity will be ubiquitous.
, the contenders of the context that believes the death of a various expression is not a problem, can be absolutely right? Certainly not, because if a dialect disappears, the culture and uniqueness of that people will
be at high risk of reduction.
For example
, according to a survey conducted by The Chronicle-journal in 2011, in India ,alone more than 12 types of indigenous languages are endangered because of invasive Hindi.
, mother tongue is an imperative phenomenon that needs to be protected, so that particular individual can practise their faith and live a prominent life.
, we had a universal tongue like
which has been spoken worldwide.
, it easy to learn basic
soon and
almost 80% of the people have basic knowledge about
, there is no requirement to attain studies of different tongues, unless non-
speaking nations.
For instance
, the Cultural ministry in China
Remove the comma
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proposed a law, states that
is going to be induced in schools as a
wording to solve communication problem with the outside world.
, if we planned to move to any countries where the universal dialect is scarce, we can be trained to learn that lingo.
, we need not study all tongue, only need to train on that particular speech upon necessary. To conclude, I reiterate that we should not let the various mother tongues vanish, ,
we should help them to protect themselves by enacting laws. As
essay has shown, it is proved to a bad idea by believing that diminishing and vanishing of various languages is not a problem. And
, based on our interest and necessity we can train or teach ourselves any lingo we need.
Submitted by richvinleon00 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Linguistic diversity
  • Cultural heritage
  • Language extinction
  • Communication barrier
  • Linguistic imperialism
  • Endangered languages
  • Language revitalization
  • Monolingual
  • Multilingual
  • Language preservation
  • Homogenization
  • Language policy
  • Cultural assimilation
  • Intangible heritage
  • Indigenous languages
  • Globalization
  • Dialects
  • Localization
  • Language documentation
  • Digital archiving
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