medicalCorrect article usage
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side is open for everyone who takes knowledge. All popularity has nearly 20
percentChange the spelling
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command on medical education. So, some human beings get preference to take advice for a health issue. In my thinking, it is a positive process because today living style is vast . but , sometimes taking appointment of doctor is a much better option.
with, younger are not interested to visit
aChange the article
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expert because they have a busy schedule anyway, they prefer to get information via the internet.
, in a metro city travelling time is nearly 2-3 hours. Due to these reasons, they choose online
take medicines.
, some family they do not have the ability as well as they are afraid to
physician because they shy to discuss their issue
, they go with taking advice from home and overcome
from Change preposition
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health problems.
, some women related health affection, ladies do not share their problems frequently in front of
aChange the article
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, they prefer online treatment.
digitalAdd an article
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conference is available on a different type of sites as well as many application are there.
, medicines are
accessible online via the application. On another hand, it is sometimes positive
itsReplace the word
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negative. For
should take online
, for other treatment like scanning,
X - rayAdd a hyphen
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, MRI etc. they have to meet
medicalAdd an article
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person. If they don’t follow
they get injured for a lifetime.
To be specific, every physician does not have an online service . equally, in the covid-19 pandemic situation, some
get online therapy as well as medicines but they have to visit
doctorAdd an article
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for collecting blood sample as well as sometimes for scanning
. But one problem is that
,Remove the comma
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at the situation of breathing problem they have
bedAdd an article
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with an oxygen cylinder and because of increasing cases
can not find the bed in their nearest hospital.
the main drawback of online
other doctor don’t know about
history to do immediate therapy.
, in my conclusion, “ every coin has two side” online advice save time and they are needful for an emergency but,
beneficial for human. they go for both as per the situation.