some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on society. Others deny that these have any significant influence on people's behavior. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, television has a great impact on kid's behaviour. Some parents are not fully aware of what children's are watching and how they are affected by
. For
reason, I totally agree that social media and other factors contribute to violence and increase vulgar language used by teens recently.
essay will show some examples of these problems.
, children in the early stages give attention to the colourful programs they are watching regardless of the material showed .
For example
, some cartoons reveal action scenes in a comedy way that makes the child laugh and want to try it in his real life .
As a result
,it may lead to unexpected injuries and life-threatening .According to these problems, I believe that we should review all materials introduced to our kids' especially toddlers before letting them watch these scenes.
, we face another serious issue with Facebook live broadcast.
kind of videos is out of control.
For instance
, many teenagers suffer from mental problems when they watch people committing suicide live because they are depressed .
,recent psychological studies concerned with teens behaviour in the USA showed that 67% of teens are ready to die in the same way affected by what are they watching when they suffer from altered mood.
,we should enhance teenagers' self-awareness to let them judge and evaluate what they are watching to avoid more violence and bad reactions. In conclusion, I believe violence has been increasing due to these uncensored materials.
In addition
,people bad behaviour raised due to these videos.
,the government should find a solution to stop these shows.
, parents should monitor their kids' reactions and attitudes after watching or playing games include fighting scenes.
Submitted by ayaezz54 on

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