Recruiters often ask job applicants about personal details
as their marital status and what leisure activities they enjoy. Certain folks are of the opinion that it is necessary and important, others Linking Words
disapprove. Linking Words
essay will explain why some may think their private lives have nothing to do with work, but why I believe these questionings are important.
An employer might want to know more about a potential employee. Linking Words
he/she would ask personal questions. Linking Words
is because a person's private life can affect their work performance. Linking Words
For instance
, if someone is a victim of abuse whether ,by a spouse or immediate family, Linking Words
can affect their confidence level. Linking Words
will reflect in the quality of work they put out. A company should have all the details of whomever they want to potentially hire.
Linking Words
, there are a few companies that respect family values. Asking questions relating to what staff does for fun or their relationship status only gives an idea as to how they will relate with Linking Words
person. Linking Words
For example
CarterCo. sends married staff members and their spouses on yearly vacations. Knowing your details like Linking Words
will enable companies like the aforementioned to draft the appropriate employment package for each employee.
Linking Words
, others are of the opinion they can separate their personal lives from their occupational duties. They believe these two aspects of their lives should be kept apart. Linking Words
For example
, some companies are known to treat single people (especially women) with less respect. They think the married folks are more responsible, Linking Words
they are promoted and appreciated more.
In conclusion, a handful of recruitment officers ask about an applicant's private life. Linking Words
essay discussed why asking Linking Words
questions are deemed inappropriate but why I agree that knowing more about a potential employee is needed.Linking Words