Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now “one big traffic jam”. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars ?

The manufacturing cost of the four-wheelers has been decreasing and
a change has
decreased the price of these vehicles.In
context, for three decades the number of individuals who own a car have increased drastically and as a consequence, many metropolises have become the victims of traffic congestion.Personally, I feel that
scenario is a realistic one. the following paragraphs will outline the given scenario and suggest some practical solutions which can be implemented by the ruling bodies of the nations to reduce automobile usage by the people. I have been witnessing many individuals who prefer to take their own vehicle to reach the office even if their working location is very much nearer to their home just because they have it.
, the other reason for travel congestion is the lack of availability of public transport at some places of the city.
As a result
of these situations , we can see fully loaded roads at the signals causing never-ending transit jams.
For instance
, I personally experience delays due to vehicle blockages in market areas of my area.
the jamming scenario has become a part and parcel of downtown life. In order to control the vehicles on the road, the Governments should educate the crowds about the consequences of taking a big sized motor vehicle just for a single member.
, it should display the air quality at the crowded places of the city so that people get alerted.
For example
, at least by checking the air quality index , the public may give a
thought to using their vehicles even for small distances.
, public transport should be made available at every corner of the metropolis.These measures can certainly decrease the four-wheelers in well-developed areas of a city. To conclude, traffic congestion and blockage have become a natural thing nowadays and by implementing certain steps the government can avoid the population taking out their vans frequently.
Submitted by Sri on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • traffic congestion
  • commute times
  • pollution
  • car purchases
  • fuel prices
  • congestion charges
  • public transportation infrastructure
  • subsidies
  • incentives
  • electric vehicles
  • alternative modes of transportation
  • cycling
  • walking
  • dedicated lanes
  • pathways
  • sustainable options
  • educational campaigns
  • environmental impacts
  • health impacts
  • behavioral change
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