A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

contemporary era, people's worth is decided by only the social dignity and material held compare to people's values, honour, kindness and trust.
, I strongly agree with
statement for the following reasons.
To begin
with, certainly, a person's worth is judged by the social condition because nowadays many folks believe money makes many things to compare a man's value
, they only focus on a man's wealthy position.
For example
, many celebrities are ruined to their personal growth they only think about their's rating in order to they can do anything to maintain their social prestige
, many celebrities are being stressed and they cannot live a normal customer's life. To be more precise, many rich populations always think about their social statuses
as rich man and they can sacrifice anything for
, an asset is the most important for judging a customer's worth because material only helps to any other critical situation compare to folk's value.
For example
, many women are chosen to their's activity partner by how much he saves bank balance and he has his own house and any other material because she wants a secure growth that's why she has some criteria to decide a groom.
, today step by step reduce women's kindness even some folks do not have
good quality because
society only accepts a wealthy woman
, everybody is concentrated to earn much more money and buying a material asset
of saving a good heart public. I believe
trend might be created a terrible situation. To conclude, each and everyone should be changed to their's terrible mindset
as a customer's worth is judged by the assets and they could be seen a public's good heart, kindness, value and etc. I hope
trend is inconducive for a healthier society.
Submitted by reanudeepan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Social status
  • Material possessions
  • Old-fashioned values
  • Honour
  • Kindness
  • Trust
  • Judged
  • Importance
  • Traditional
  • Reflection
  • Achievements
  • Hard work
  • Disregarded
  • Well-balanced
  • Meaningful
  • Cultural norms
  • Societal norms
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