You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country Write a letter to your manager. In your letter: -explain why you want to work in the company's head office for six months -say how your work could be done while you are away -ask for his/her help in arranging it

Dear Mr Jackup, I am writing
letter to seek your permission to work and attend training sessions at our head office in Hong Kong. I hope you are aware, I have been promoted recently as a team leader and have started my work immediately, but I did not get any training required for my post and team to complete the project on time.
, I have been informed that some training sessions going on at our head office in Hong Kong. I have already completed the given task and will hand over all the files to my subordinates.
, I am always available on video conference for any urgent meetings. I have trained one of my team members Mr Smith will take care of in my absence, and I will be getting reports online weekly. In order to attend the training sessions at our main office, I need your recommendation letter, which is to be submitted by the end of
week. Could you please provide me with that so I can attend on time and enhance my abilities, which will eventually help everyone here in
branch? Yours sincerely,
Submitted by MK on

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