Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?

Only a few
prefer to study a
career at the university.
essay will expose why they are no choosing these fields and
explain what the consequences will be. To being with,
claim that their disinterest in
subjects is related to the time
that is
required in order to graduate and the jobs opportunities. Studying some
as, math or physics can be a challenging and demanding activity that a lot of people prefer to avoid.
For instance
, a chemistry student has to do double research jobs like other
. A
cause is that after graduation, there are low chances of working in their own field, as a consequence, they become demotivated. To illustrate
, normally a math student
job is teaching young boys about the basis of
field because he was unable to find another opportunity.
shrinking in the number of
will create a lack of new inventions and a huge imbalance in the future workforce. Scientists are the main reason for the existence of almost all the things we know. Unless
situation change soon, we are at risk of suffering a stall in technology o medical discoveries.
For instance
, a disease like the covid 19
Change to a plural noun
show examples
appears and affects the world like the covid 19 virus, if there are a small number of biologists in the world, we will be at risk of not be able to create a vaccine. Another consequence is going to be that when the actual workforce retires, nobody is going to be able to replace them. As a consequence, important researches can come to an end because nobody is going to continue with them. In conclusion, studying
subjects can be a challenging and quite demanding task with low future opportunities. As the number of
reduces, society becomes closer to be in danger of losing new inventions.
Submitted by abad.nicolass on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • deter
  • promotion
  • opportunities
  • role models
  • lucrative
  • employment
  • gender stereotypes
  • societal norms
  • access to information
  • technological stagnation
  • shortage
  • skilled professionals
  • innovation
  • healthcare sector
  • workforce
  • global competitiveness
  • advancements
  • economic growth
  • public health services
  • environmental sciences
  • combat climate change
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