In recent years, the popularity of all types of media has increased significantly in society. Most parents are concerned that harmful contents provided by the electronic media are detrimental to their kids.
essay discusses the impact obtained by the juvenile while they are watching Linking Words
kind of negative content and several solutions to address Linking Words
issue as follows.
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and foremost, television programs presenting violent scenes are deleterious for the youngster as it influences their mental health. Linking Words
In other words
, when young people spend their leisure time watching entertainment shows and find several damaged content, it will be processed by their brain and disturb the brain work. As a consequence, they experience anxiety, depression, or sudden changes in their moods. Linking Words
For instance
, a number of students in western countries under 15 years old are founded experience a multitude of issues in terms of well-being as they are often exposed to a myriad of uncensored criminal pictures aired on national television, Linking Words
as murder cases that contain blood and corpses.
Despite setbacks, the problem can be tackled by applying three different strategies. Linking Words
, parents are encouraged to educate their daughter and son about the damage of watching inappropriate and harmful programs, either in the conventional or digital channels. Linking Words
, the central government must be considering to review their regulation when it comes to censorship of violent scenes in the media. Linking Words
, it is preferable for all broadcasters to contribute and begin to reduce the violent scenes in their shows and provide more education programs rather than harmful ones, especially in their leisure hour while there is a possibility for kids watching TV. Linking Words
For example
, one of the private broadcasters in Indonesia prefer to air cartoons and under 17 movies during the prime time on weekdays and in the regular term at weekends.
To conclude Linking Words
, Linking Words
topic is quite challenging to be aware of by all parents like the more their children access damaged pictures and videos, the greater drawback and possibility the juvenile to be suffered from mental health problems. Linking Words
, it is important to strengthen the role of family members, governments, Linking Words
broadcasters to be together to contribute to reducing the negative impacts of cruelty shows.Linking Words