Many people work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure activities. Does this situation have more advantage or more disadvantages?

Working professionals, these days, often work overtime,
as a result
, they do not get time for family and themselves. Undoubtedly,
a schedule offers merits to business owners and employees,
in contrast
, it has its demerits.
, there has been a long-standing debate on whether to prioritize jobs over leisure activities. In
essay, both perspectives will be discussed in detail.
To begin
with, some
look into the bright side of working for late hours. They think about incentives and appraisals, companies offer them for their additional shifts.
, many business owners tend to work long hours in order to stay with the pace of the competitors. Elon Musk,
for example
, used to spend 100 hours per week in his Tesla workshop. He had to challenge well-established car brands and create a space for his product.
, these
are accustomed to
a culture and persuade their peers to follow their paths. Simultaneously, due to their hectic schedule,
can not spend time on sports or other hobbies.
, their body starts developing ailments
as diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypertension. According to a survey in the United States, more than 70 percentages of
working in corporate are having one or more
, being physically inactive, their mental stress increases, and they begin behaving inconsiderately in public as well as at home. Henceforth, even if they earn better pay-grade, their physical and mental illness makes them suffer more. In conclusion, depending upon the life goals, workers and entrepreneurs stick to their jobs. Whether it is business interest or performance awards, losing time for extracurricular activities, always makes them pay for their body. I personally believe that possessing a fine balance between career and physique is vital for human
Submitted by satpalc80 on

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