The world witnessed revolutionary inventions in terms of science and technology with social media being most prominent.
there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society vehemently deems that it is
rightAdd an article
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place to make
through social
otherCorrect pronoun usage
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emphasizes that personal interaction is needed to make
Apparently, various
factorFix the agreement mistake
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make a section of people advocate that to make new
socialAdd an article
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networkFix the agreement mistake
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are constructive and other people have many reasons to said
interaction is needed.
and foremost is, in
modern era to make
through social
areAdd a missing verb
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newAdd an article
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trend among youngsters because everyone is busy in their own schedules so it is not easy for them to meet someone personally that’s why they are
keenChange the adjective
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interested to make new
through numerous social websites. To vindicate Facebook, Instagram,
, science and technology are welcomed warmly by
chunkAdd an article
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of people because they are always online through various social modes in their professional life as well as personal life because all work nowadays
areChange the verb form
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through internet connectivity that’s why they stay online. According to
it is revealed that 95% of youngsters are using social sites these days.
, some
thinksChange the verb form
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tooCorrect your spelling
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become good
we have to start
conversationAdd an article
a conversation
the conversation
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through some social site or
and if both of them feel comfortable according to their distinct stages and maturity level only
they meet personally
On the other
some believe that to make good
we have to meet personally or
should be there for
myriadAdd an article
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, Is good to make
? Certainly yes to make
is a contributing factor so we better understand someone to vindicate we see his way of talking, his maturity level, his likes and dislike.
, with
we reap the benefit that no one
cheatChange the verb form
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us as we see numerous cases in social
strangers are there and start to cheat someone after
becomeChange the verb form
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is good to do to make
a Correct article usage
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because as we have not to post anything
inChange preposition
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siteFix the agreement mistake
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and wrong
usedChange the form of the verb
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of our pictures is not possible
In my profound opinion, we have to make
so that we got
goodCorrect article usage
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friend circle and misuse of any our personal information or personal photographs should not be possible and we maintain a healthy relations through