Some people argue that is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Few would deny the fact that we live in a demanding society where
is a constant for the few looking for high status and monetary rewards. In
context, many people claim to believe that enjoying one’s
is the priority over monetary income. In
essay, I will acknowledge both views and explain why I firmly disagree with the latter. Is it really that desirable to opt for a low-income occupation
that is
more enjoyable and less stressful? The main reason, for those declaring to do so, is that being involved in a pleasing and less demanding activity reduces
levels as well as blood cortisol concentration,
decreasing the odds of getting physically sick and struggling with mental health issues in the long run.
, for those not strong enough to resist the stressful conditions of the more demanding, individual, yet rewarding jobs, stands the claim that less selfish employment, maybe centred on helping others, is the most satisfying activity one could ever engage in. Far from denying that, I still believe that helping others is something obtainable through different paths and earning more money might be a
tool to implement one’s humanitarian spirit rather than just a selfish tool. Even though a high-income
may be more stressful and mentally demanding, fewer are the experiences that can surpass the overwhelming feeling of the dopamine burst of earning more money or reaching a long-awaited goal. In keeping with that, the brain of rich entrepreneurs and businessmen presented higher concentrations of dopamine and serotonin on functional MRI scans than those of their employees with lower
In addition
to that, a wealthy lifestyle for oneself and his own family is clearly a reason worth enduring
and, in the long run, will help one enjoy life to the fullest. To weigh on
topic, several notorious people, ranging from former U.S. president George Washington to the world’s highest-paid athlete Conor McGregor, held the view that it is way easier to hide behind the comfortable lie of enjoying a humbler
of putting insane amounts of work to reach higher goals that, in turn, is the real road to personal fulfilment. In conclusion, despite many think that enjoying our work is way more important than monetary income,
might just be an excuse to avoid the struggle that reaching a high status and income entails. In fact, while harder on one’s energy, reaching the top tier of society and economic wellness is one of the most rewarding goals. Of course, if that were easy, everybody would be rich and wealthy and not just a minority of the people.
Submitted by s.didonato on

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