Many people work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure activities. Does this situation have more advantages or more disadvantages?

In the current world scenario, numerous population is tilted to extend office hours eventually left with a small portion of the day for relaxation. In my opinion, demerits overweigh
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in the aforementioned situation. I will expatiate my stance in the following essay along with some lucid examples.
To begin
with, today humans are running a race to exhibit their potential and earn as much as they can to quench the neverending thirst of competition. Whilst in process, They tend to forget about their families and people who get bitterly affected by their own absence.
For instance
, everyone has competitive peers in their workplace, which creates an astounding pressure to outperform one another. Working in excess of regular work hours can be a pre-requisite in most cases. Owing to
, birthdays, anniversaries are forgotten, In some cases, small promises made to children are ignored,
, leaving them in tears. If our efforts cannot bring happiness, they are worthless.
On the other hand
, there are merits that come alongside the endless hours spent to achieve success. These efforts that are put in by a humungous crowd every day are benefiting them monetarily and professionally.
For example
, to reward the prodigious performance of employees, they are awarded promotions, increments and cash rewards. These appreciations generate a lot of motivation for individuals to thrive more. To conclude, mankind is affected by the illusion created for becoming successful and in
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process they have left their valuable family members in sorrow. A simple smile from a child on coming early one day in a week is priceless. Keeping promises made to anyone in the family in terms of time can bring immense pleasure.
, we need to be vigilant to not fall into a trap that can prove harmful.
Submitted by jatinkochar1993 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • work-life balance
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • stress relief
  • productivity
  • economic growth
  • career progression
  • skill enhancement
  • quality time
  • financial security
  • leisure activities
  • physical health
  • personal relationships
  • stress-related illnesses
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