Some people claim that contemporary
haveChange the verb form
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issues on the youth generation whereas others think the opposite and defend the benefits of
Change the verb form
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listenAdd the preposition
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essay will discuss both sides of
situation and explain the reasons why
has more pros than cons
inChange preposition
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the Correct article usage
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musicChange preposition
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is good for all ages because it can change our mood quick and bring different emotions. The youth people have been
overestimulatedCorrect your spelling
for many devices and they have had some issues with
Add an article
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taskFix the agreement mistake
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that required concentration. Lo-fi beats,
, can regulate the heartbeats and
breathingChange the verb form
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in a way that helps to keep focus
inChange preposition
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one task for many hours.
type of
could be very helpful nowadays with attention disorders, which becomes more and more common among teens. Another beneficial example in the kids is the lyrics because it is a kind of poem with a message
behindCorrect pronoun usage
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. For many years,
teaches through its stories about culture, experiences and impressions of the world.
style, lyrics and rhythm are always changing to adapt
theChange preposition
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new generation of listeners or keeping
a Remove the article
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memory alive.
, it is not all songs that we can consider beneficial for youngs. In
phase of life, they are still figuring out their characters and personalities and some
noisyReplace the word
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to as
, could not be good for them.
the Correct article usage
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brazilianChange the capitalization
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funk is very popular among
youngsCorrect your spelling
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and teens,
, the lyrics are always
incentivatingCorrect your spelling
to commit crimes, rape women and consume drugs.
, if I had a teen close to me, I would never
allowedChange the verb form
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him to listen
Change preposition
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those kindChange the determiner
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In my opinion,
is extremely good and could help in different moments in life,
speciallyReplace the word
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for our kids; but requires
attentionAdd an article
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of the parents to overseas what type of
their children
are listenChange the verb form
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To conclude,
has by far and large more benefits than problems to influence young people because it can change emotions or tell experiences, even though some type of
could have a negative impact.