Many students around the world don’t choose science subjects at university. Give the reasons for this and describe the impact on the community?

may be one of the most interesting and complex subjects to learn.
, it is a fact that most university
do not pick
as their top subject.
could be
due to
various reasons
as the level of difficulty or the lack of well-paying jobs in that
. I will discuss the various reasons in detail in
essay. Most schools do not provide a strong foundation for learning the basics of
For example
, from my experience, physics and chemistry were two of the subjects that everyone in my class loathed because of how difficult it was to learn them.
, the teachers never tried to make it simpler or more enjoyable.
, many
chose the
of arts or language, as
appealed to them more. Another reason why
may not pick
in university is
due to
the lack of high-paying jobs in that
. The amount of hard work people need to put in to pass
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those classes is wildly disproportionate to the pay and recognition they receive later on in their careers.
For instance
, you need years and years of hard work to become a doctor, after which you only receive a
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salary. In conclusion, the lack of young people in the
has numerous negative consequences. There is a dearth of scientists and inventors in today's world. The choice of the younger generations to opt out of medical and scientific fields leads to a decline in the number of doctors and nurses, which in turn leads to mediocre healthcare.
in turn has disastrous consequences for the community and economy. These problems can only be overcome by giving children a good foundation in
at schools and increasing their interest levels by taking kids to
museums. Raising the salaries of
professions may
act as an incentive for more
to choose
discipline at university.
Submitted by sanjanakaturi264 on

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task achievement
Consider adding more specific examples or data to illustrate your points. For instance, mentioning specific studies or statistics about science students' interest levels and employment rates can strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Streamline some sentences to improve clarity. For example, the second sentence in the conclusion, "There is a dearth of scientists and inventors in today's world," could be introduced earlier in your conclusion to create a smoother flow.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This helps the reader to follow your argument easily.
task achievement
You address multiple reasons why students might not choose science subjects, and discuss the potential impacts comprehensively.

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