In the modern-day, the rapid development of many countries has led to big cities' expansion.
development comes up with both benefits and drawbacks.
essay will point out some major problems that a lot of places have to deal with as well as several practical approaches
to the issue.
It is apparent that urban spread brings various benefits to dwellers and countries' growth.
, by the same token, there are numerous issues
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be overlooked.
, uncontrolled expansion can worsen the hitherto situation.
, many people want to live in major towns because of great service, higher chances of getting a well-paid, stable job, etc.
, if the inhabitants fail to cover basic costs of living,
things are
, slums will fast appear and increase.
UnemploymentAdd an article
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rate will register a significant rise.
, the number of criminals and social evils will steadily grow.
, urban sprawl requires a great deal of area.
can be implied that forest will be cut down for the accommodation,
it will put the ecological balance at risk. Lots of ramifications can be listed,
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loss of habitats and climate change.
it is impossible for these problems to be solved overnight, a few solutions can be measured to gradually relieve them.
of all, since the main reason
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city expansion is mass
migratingReplace the word
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to the municipality,
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should manage the
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of migrants by encouraging them to reside in their current areas. As to how to encourage them, there are several ways.
, local authorities need to implement service
not available in their places, or they can increase the salary of the jobs to keep residents interested.
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should impose high fines for any cities that deliberately encroaching on
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forestFix the agreement mistake
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to expand. It is vital that damages
onChange preposition
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the environment be kept at
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in order to protect the Earth.
To encapsulate,
advantages, the enlargement in many big municipalities around the world has caused a lot of troubles. While we cannot solve these issues immediately, there are several steps
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be taken so as to alleviate them. From my perspective, it is projected that urban areas will prevail in many developing and underdeveloped countries.
, many complications will arise unless actions are taken.