Nowadays, the necessity of a swift transportation route is inevitable, which can be addressed with the establishment of motorways. Yet, there remain some significant debate about the overall impacts of these new routes. I will discuss some of the common effects of better tourism industry, other types of transit systems must be used. keeping the area as natural as possible is the key factor to attract more visitors to the destination, which can be reached by replacing other types of vehicles from the suggested way.
improvement and present some practical solutions for it.
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, the development of motorways can result in environmental degradation. Considering the fact that these new highways need a wider capacity to be constructed, there will be a need for a wider environmental zone to be flattened. As a matter of fact, the lives of various animal species will be in danger since they will lose their natural habitat; meanwhile, there is a risk of animal extinction in a longer period of time in space. Linking Words
In addition
, the expansion of these shipping roads can lead to visual pollution in the region. Linking Words
is an indisputable fact that building a commuting path can significantly alter the natural beauty of a field resulting in a huge reduction of visitors in that zone, which is capable of limiting the financial strength of the locals. Linking Words
For instance
, they will not be able to sell their hand-made materials and souvenirs to the tourists.
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, proposing the routes for the highways with less probability of destroying natural habitats can be beneficial. Linking Words
determination can be more expensive; Linking Words
, it can protect the natural sources for the animals and the Linking Words
generation Linking Words
that is
their fair right. Linking Words
, to keep the natural view of an area forLinking Words
Correct article usage
, Linking Words
decision can provide Linking Words
benefits for a society based on the revenue gained from the tourism industry.
To sum up, I once again restate that constructing a new motorway is a noticeable method to increase the speed of shipment. While it can result in major drawbacks for the environment ,which can be prevented with good proposals. The most considerable strategy can be presenting more suitable paths for the route of these highways without negatively influencing the natural being.Linking Words