Creative artists are people who have the ability to develop original ideas, mostly in the arts. As
, the freedom of expressing these ideas are very important for the continuity of their creativity
Enforcement of restrictions on creatives by the government may lead to a decline in the expression of their creativity. Linking Words
For instance
, there are many difficult topics that are off-limits in certain societies like the LGBTQ narrative, but they have pushed society to have these discussions by pushing the topic through their arts. Linking Words
As a result
, it may lead to the acceptance of some taboos and the cancellation of some things we consider normal.
Linking Words
, restriction of the freedom of artistic persons may lead to oppression. Linking Words
For example
, certain governments imprison and maltreat journalists or musicians who speak against them, so as Linking Words
, many have lost their lives for choosing to speak on difficult topics. Linking Words
is decadence that needs to stop. Linking Words
, if public officials continue to control the rights of journalists Linking Words
oppression is imminent because most times the governing party and the rich are the subjects of discussion.
To conclude, I believe that creatives should be given the right to express themselves. To Linking Words
end, more hard issues may Linking Words
be discussed and their lives Linking Words
protected. Linking Words
, to encourage a society where everyone's right is protected and where important subject matters are explored, Linking Words
the artist's freedom of expression should be protected.Linking Words