Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation have not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solution to combat this problem? Support your answers with specific reasons and example.

Music has been gaining a lot of attention from people nowadays. Some educators believe that playing musical instruments should be made a mandatory part of education whilst some others don't.
, I do not completely agree with mandating music for all the students. In the below essay I will draw my arguments to support the aforementioned viewpoint.
of all, the pupils should be given a chance to choose the topis they would want to study. Recently, choice-based programmes have started to gain popularity.
As a result
, kids get the right to choose the course of their own choice.
For example
, if anyone is interested in learning medical science
they should better focus on subjects related to biology and chemistry
of the subjects that have no relevance to achieve their goals.
, enrolling everyone in the instruments will create unnecessary financial constraints for the parents as well as the institutions.
, some parents aren't financially sound enough to support their academics well,
, buying additional equipment will create economic distress for them.
In addition
to that, the choice of the syllabus is usually based on skills in demand. There are many other skills like photography, painting, dancing and sports etc. Promoting an individual activity will not be fruitful. The other skills should be equally promoted.
, for the balanced competition in the profession ,later on, everyone should be provided with an equal opportunity to read the curriculum of their interests. To conclude, I reiterate that youth should be provided with an optional list of subjects to choose from. By imposing anything or any subject on them, they will become more reluctant to the course and may even back up. Those having an interest in music should definitely be given a platform to learn it with traditional education.
Submitted by par206 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Environmental degradation
  • Fossil fuels
  • Air and water pollution
  • Deforestation
  • Biodiversity
  • Enforcement of environmental laws
  • Illegal dumping
  • Over-exploitation
  • Overpopulation
  • Waste production
  • Resource consumption
  • Climate change
  • Extreme weather events
  • Rising sea levels
  • Consumer culture
  • Overconsumption
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Emissions
  • Stricter environmental regulations
  • Enforcement
  • Reforestation
  • Conservation of natural habitats
  • Sustainable agricultural practices
  • Public awareness campaigns
  • Sustainable consumer behaviors
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