Today, several individuals opt to be entrepreneurs as compared to working in companies or institutions.
essay discusses why Linking Words
might be the case and the disadvantages of self-employment.
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and foremost, people nowadays may be choosing entrepreneurship more because it is more liberal and allows them to do what they love. Linking Words
, self-work is convenient because it doesn't have restrictions on time, location and the like. One doesn't have to follow set schedules. Linking Words
, it allows you to pick a trade that you like and to combine work with pleasure, or as they say, to play while you earn. Linking Words
For example
, upon retiring, one prominent footballer decided to start a sporting academy and his reason was simply to secure his future and continue working in the footballing field that he loves.
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On the other hand
, self-employment has its disadvantages, like its risky nature and interference from family members. Most of the time it's easier for one's business to crumble down and vanish with no opportunities for resuscitation because of small mistakes whereas a company would normally offset Linking Words
risks. Linking Words
, most entrepreneurial ventures suffer from the mingling of close families who may demand a percentage of profits or expect family members to be recruited in the business system despite an incongruent or insufficient budget. Linking Words
For instance
, the Business Times newspaper recently argued that most individual owned companies struggling during Covid-19 in the USA were failing to retrench employee relatives of CEOs and other top managers.
In summary, the liberties enterprising allows is the main reason why more people are selecting against formal employment. But it is not all rosy in independent work given the risks associated with the practice and the usual disturbances emanating from close family.Linking Words