Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A number of persons believe that free public work should be a must for secondary school activities. These activities
encompass giving back to society by lending a hand to improve the environment . To a large extent, I do agree with the point of view that it should be made an integral part of the high school curriculum because
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it helps to prepare the students for leadership roles in the future and it teaches selflessness. These points will be analysed and discussed in the essay below.
, working without expecting anything back prepares the students for statesmanship roles.
is because one of the great traits of leaders is the ability to do things for people without the recourse to being paid back.
For instance
, great leaders like Nelson Mandela can be likened to someone who fought for the freedom of his community without a charge to them.
, having learners in school go through
program will be beneficial to them.
, it teaches selflessness. Quite a lot of pupils in the higher grade are prone to the entitlement mentality, which is quite harmful to their social image.
For example
, when these pupils carry out free social work for the environment and the people in the community, it teaches them to look out for others and not only for themselves.
, in
,regard it is quite important to enshrine these activities in their program. In conclusion, we have discussed the view that some groups that non-paid work should be made compulsory for pupils in secondary.
, I agree with the view based on the fact that it teaches leadership skills and helps the wards to look out for other people than themselves.
Submitted by Kemi111 on

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