In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railways lines for very fast trains etween cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving exising public transport. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The issues surrounding the public transportation system are debatable topics in most countries. Opinions are divided on whether the government should invest in erecting new railway
to provide faster trains between cities for commuters or should they improve the quality of existing public transport. In my opinion, both matters hold certain degrees of importance. Constructing new
will allow better intercity and inter-region connections while the existing
will offer commuters a more comfortable and safer riding experience. On the one hand, it is true that a large number of developing and developed countries already have trains or subway structures, which allows masses to travel to different cities in a considerably shorter amount of time. People in Melbourne
for example
, use trains on a daily basis to go to work or to commute to nearby cities
as Sydney or Canberra within five to eight hours,
of spending days driving their cars, not to mention fuel or accommodation costs while travelling.
, new train
could perform better in providing a more convenient and less time-consuming way to commute.
On the other hand
, other public transportations should receive more attention to ensure they arrive on time and are safe for riders.
For instance
, Vietnamese people decline to use
because the
are low in quality with no air-conditioning and the seats are dirty. They feel inconvenient and unsafe when stepping foot onto public
, even though
public transportation is cheap in fare, lots of travellers refuse to use
for daily commute. In conclusion,
constructing new train
would allow citizens to spend considerably less time going to distant places, it is more crucial and beneficial to make sure existing public transport is upgraded and meets certain standards. I believe that by improving the current public transportation system, people would feel much more secure and convenient while using them.
Submitted by uyen.buix97 on

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