our neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house/ flat. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter explain the reasons for the noise apologise describe what action you will take You should write at least 150 words.

Dear neighbours, I am John Smith, from 101 Evergreen Street. I have received some complaints about the noise that I make at night. I am aware of
situation and please listen to what I have to say; so we can reach an agreement where every party is happy. As I said before, I am aware of the sound coming from my house. As we all are experiencing during these times, I have to work from home, and my job requires me to connect with people around the globe having odd working hours. Knowing that, please receive my most sincere apologies. I will try to compensate you for all your troubles. I want to invite you over for dinner to discuss
in detail, as it is the least I can do. Let me know your favourite food so I can prepare a nice banquet. I know the nuisance of a loud neighbour, that's why I have been trying to keep these meetings to the minimum.
, I have purchased some dedicated instruments to measure the decibels levels to keep it quieter.
In addition
, I have attached my business card with my contact details, please feel free to call me anytime. If there is anything I can do to diminish
situation, please let me know. Sincerely, John Smith.
Submitted by ivan.go on

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