Nowadays, due to the rising number of consumers, investments in international trading have increased.
As a result
, a significant portion of people’s daily needs is imported from other Linking Words
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there are some benefits associated with global trading, I believe the main drawbacks are substantial.
On the one hand, a potential advantage may be balancing demand and supply in populated Linking Words
. Since local businesses are not able to supply the whole population demanding Use synonyms
as crops, cloths and even technological devices in many Linking Words
, the variety of these goods should be imported from overseas. Use synonyms
, another perceived benefit is that transporting from other Linking Words
causes diversity in the products of the city markets. Use synonyms
For example
, if a country does not access sea and fishing, It could transport kinds of seafood -which are crucial for people’s daily diet- from other Linking Words
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On the other hand
, a substantial drawback of international trading is that it can pose a threat to local and small businesses. Indeed, these businesses suddenly face foreign rivals that have an array of advantages Linking Words
as substantial financial resources, advanced technologies, powerful brands, and marketing systems. Linking Words
, if the government does not subsidize them, they might be unable to overcome Linking Words
situation and ultimately eliminate it from markets. Linking Words
, from an economic point of view, a considerable amount of the product’s final price is due to the cost of transporting them to the country and high taxation. Linking Words
As a result
, people have to pay more for rages of product.
To conclude, It is true that international trading would seem advantageous under certain circumstances. Linking Words
, in my view, its adverse effects on local markets and the high prices of imported products override the advantages.Linking Words