In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as compleatly wrong, while others cosider is as valuable work experienced, important for learning and taking responsibility. Discuss both these views and give your onw opinion.

A big part of the world, especially parents who are bringing up their kids consider that kids should have as much time as possible to be just a kid without pressure and adult's problems.
, for another group, it is important that their growing children will gain as fast as the time allows needed experience.
essay will take into consideration whether a longer childhood is better, rather than engaging these young minds for
, so as to give my final opinion at the end. To start, by encouraging them to do an adult's
we take away their time for just being immature. All kinds of duty abstract them from childhood joy and persuade them to the faster growth.
For instance
, kids in less developed countries need to help their moms and dads by selling local products to travellers, rather than going to the playground or cycling.
As a result
, these gaps during infancy may have enormous consequences on
life satisfaction.
, if people start developing these specific skills and experience earlier, they will have already the necessary requirements that future bosses will look for.
, young folks may have a chance to gain helpful contacts that would
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them having well-paid positions much faster.
For instance
, my brother who used to only play on the computer once was told to
every day after school in the local library. In the beginning, it was humdrum and tedious for him,
, the salary was very unsatisfying, but these feelings of boredom made him take a book from the shelf and read.
As a result
, he was constantly reading and broadening his mind after that because he was reading about various topics,
as how to be an entrepreneur or invest money properly. To sum up, encouraging new developing minds for doing paid activities may have beneficial or unfortunate results. It really depends on what kind of
they are doing. Overall, I reckon that all the advantages far more overshadow any drawbacks when it comes to young workers. They have an opportunity to acquire basic knowledge, as well as soft skills which are essential in career development.
Submitted by anna.greczylo on

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