Online shopping practices have significantly increased over the past few decades while there is a constant increase in new businesses emerging to compete in the online market. Will
trend lead to a closure of physical stores? In my opinion, yes, there is a very high possibility for it to happen any time soon. Linking Words
essay will elaborate Linking Words
on Linking Words
Linking Words
To begin
with, especially during Linking Words
pandemic situation, safety aspects are being given more importance. Linking Words
For instance
, a majority of the population have already switched to online shopping platforms in order to avoid visiting crowded places. Linking Words
, if Linking Words
trend persists, the number of stores in towns are likely to be shut down in the future.
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In addition
to the above, another point to consider is the level of convenience and time-saving factor for shoppers. Linking Words
For example
, grocery shopping can be done within fifteen to twenty minutes and delivered to the doorstep if done online. Compared to long waiting hours at the billing counters Linking Words
that is
extremely frustrating and their valuable time is at stake. Linking Words
, consumers would choose businesses that facilitate online buying due to its ease rather than visiting shops in cities which would eventually lead to a reduction in them undoubtedly in the long run.
In conclusion, it can be said that, if people continue to use these tech-savvy purchasing methods in the future there is a high possibility of an increase in the number of closing of shops and stores in towns and cities.Linking Words