The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps demonstrate a small town
named Islip, in its current form and its proposed expansion.
it is clear that
the plan is to expand and modernize the
to allow for more stores and a greater focus on new
Fix the agreement mistake
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in addition
Correct article usage
a new
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establishment will be added with extra space for activities. Currently, Islip town
consists of only a main road which is running east to west,
Correct article usage
a park
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Correct article usage
a school
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, housing and a row of shops
that is
along the countryside.
According to
the proposal, only the school and the park will maintain their original position
the size of the latter will be reduced. The most significant development will be the extension of new facilities
Add the comma(s)
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Correct article usage
a car
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park, shopping
, bus station, pedestrians and new
Fix the agreement mistake
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, there will be no more countryside as the plan show the correction of roads into a dual carriageway.
, the main road will be no more in use by the reason of the conversion to pedestrians only.
Submitted by aymankhalaily on

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Introduction: The introduction is missing.
Introduction: Change the first sentence in the introduction.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: Replace the words centre with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Only 4 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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