Nowadays it is very uncommon in families to meet at a certain time and have breakfast, lunch or dinner together. I believe that
trend has happened because of the ways people balance between work and life and Linking Words
busy professional activities provide us financial security, it takes the toll on an ideal family life where children might take the wrong path living.
One of the principal reasons why all the members of a family are not sitting together at the supper table is because individuals have been working more than the normal working hours since the Linking Words
few decades. As time progress competitions are increasing tremendously and to survive human need to work harder than their ancestors. Linking Words
For example
, in the past citizen's job hours were not more than six a day but now they need to spend at least nine hours. Linking Words
, when the breadwinner comes home , other members might be sleeping already and it is difficult to find an hour for the family meal.
Hard work pays fortune and Linking Words
it is good for the financial stability of a family. When people wake up early before their children, they miss breakfast and parents usually do Linking Words
to fulfil the main necessities of the family member. Linking Words
, offsprings need attention and care from their parents. Fulfilling the demand is not everything that a parent should do, they should Linking Words
need to spend some periods with their family members. Sometimes if a child does not get proper attention, they take the wrong route Linking Words
as start smoking, drinking alcohol and even sometimes they take life-threatening drugs like afim and heroine. Linking Words
, it is a moral obligation for every father and mother to speak frankly with children and the best place can be at the dinner table.
In conclusion, while parents a busy making money for the future of their offspring, they miss the precious time that can be easily achievable in an eating place and Linking Words
as a result
of it, no child will take an evil road in life.Linking Words