Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The vast majority of the population deems that school subjects
as Physics, Chemistry, Technology are more valuable than History whereas others argue with
statement and claim that school curriculums should consist of humanities . I advocate strongly with the latter position and am going to reflect on
essay my own view of
a tendency and to discuss both opinions.
On the other hand
, we can observe that a large number of people is not right quietly.
of all, society suggests juveniles should garner their attention to
by the reason of its actuality.
For instance
, scientific occupations are in demand across the contemporary world and employees in
area often receive a decent wage.
, a current event
as an outbreak and a substantial surge in the necessity of scientists contribute to the increase of the number of adolescences, who embark to spend core time on
and enrol in technical universities and colleges.
, it can be spotted that parents are concerned about the future of their offspring and contend that a technical qualification is an occupation of the future. According to the various questionnaires, which were canvassed among adults, we can infer that the majority of parents persuade heirs to choose Technology because of a common opinion that by
years employers will find staffers with a technical degree.
On the other hand
, some part of society alleges humanities will be always in demand across the population.
, they add that history must be a compulsory course in the education system because it is necessary to understand and realise different historical mistakes in order to avert them down the road.
, a high percentage of students do not want to get a degree in historical
noteworthy is that the main reason for
a choice among students is composed of fear of being useless to the employer.
, they are afraid of not finding a high-paid job. To summarise, I have mentioned that
and humanities will be in demand throughout the
decades. Definitely, I support
statement and my arguments confirm it.
, students must decide upon for themselves what they prefer to study.
Submitted by sunsistem123 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Cultural heritage
  • Historical perspective
  • Analytical skills
  • Contextual understanding
  • Technological advancements
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Innovation
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Job market
  • Climate crisis
  • Cultural identity
  • Critical thinking
  • Humanities
  • Contemporary issues
  • Integration
  • Tech-savvy
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