Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

Nowadays it is often believed that video games are a tool for entertainment or even for education.
In contrast
, some experts think that the method of spending leisure time has a negative influence on the community who are engaged in the exercise. In my point of view,
kind of relaxation has more positive sides than drawbacks.
entertainment can improve society's analytical and creative skills.
For instance
, spending time on some aspects of the amusement every person can design houses or even manage a whole town. These processes motivate individuals to use their minds.
In other words
, by being entertained they are still learning new information.
, one of the great advantages of
recreation is practising work where imagination and logic are fully included.
, people are involved in some sciences as history, astronomy or biology during the process of playing them.
For instance
, playing several games individuals are placed in the atmosphere of the Renaissance or Medieval age. After, understanding occasions of these periods is becoming more available for gamers.
, leisure is an item for broadening outlook.
, periodically video games can be harmful. As an example, sometimes society is likely to become addicted.
, they can spend a lot of hours on some vicious types like shooting that would affect their mind negatively.
That is
art can be dangerous for the public sometimes. In conclusion, nowadays there are a lot of individuals who are entertained by amusing apps. Playing something using a computer is becoming more and more widespread and that can be a reason why there is a wide range of opinions about it. As plenty of activities in our world, it has both benefits and drawbacks. In
case, positive aspects are more than negative. Gaming can be used for comprehensible introduction to serious subjects and reducing stress after hard work or study. It is a pleasant tool if a person knows how to use it. If he or she share time for education, earning money and playing carefully and do not choose only products that are risky for his or her mind, the amusement is always enjoyable and great for learning something new.
Submitted by origamiural on

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