There has been an ongoing debate whether disciplining a child for wrongdoing is necessary at a tender age.
some people argue Linking Words
, I believe punishing a youngster is important in the developmental upbringing. Linking Words
essay will discuss in detail reasons why correcting misbehaviour at an early stage is useful and Linking Words
highlight the role of parents and educators.
There is no denying the importance of teaching children moral values early in life. Linking Words
As a result
, it is usually the stage when they begin to learn about their environment and develop relationships with other people. Linking Words
For example
, studies have shown that a large percentage of criminals developed violence at a young age which was hardly corrected because most of them came from a dysfunctional home. Linking Words
, if virtues are taught early in life, the kid is likely to have a responsible future. Linking Words
, it is easier to teach a minor than an adult. Linking Words
For instance
, most personalities an adult acquire like smoking and drug addiction are habits that are difficult to adjust to. Linking Words
making it almost impossible to have a positive influence on them.
Some constructive disciplinary measure can be put in place to ensure the young one learn the upright ways. Linking Words
, denial can be instituted. Whereby for every wrongful act, the child can be deprived of something precious. To illustrate Linking Words
, it has been proven true that children tend to behave better when threatened to prevent them from playing if they do something silly. Linking Words
one is able to put the child's character in check. Linking Words
, teachers can reduce the break period of a pupil found wanting good behaviour. Linking Words
will deter other pupils from behaving in a similar manner and Linking Words
correct defaulting learners adequately.
In conclusion, there are benefits in punishing children for wrongful acts which Linking Words
can be carried out by the parents and teachers through constructive means described above.Linking Words