Many manufactured food and drink products contain high level off sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, food and drink companies try to improve the taste of their products by adding high levels of sugar. It is considered by many that sugary products should be charged more so that people are discouraged to consume
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. In my opinion, I agree with the idea,
, I think it should be followed by other solutions as well. Consuming excessive sweet things definitely brings a bad impact on our
. Experts believe that high levels of sugar consumption can cause obesity and many chronic diseases,
as diabetes and heart ailments. Everyone plays a significant role to create a healthy ecosystem.
, policymakers should create a regulation
as increasing the tax to companies that produce sweet things.
method will eventually increase the prices of sugary items.
, consumers will less likely to purchase it and eventually improve their
, the policymakers should encourage their citizens to have a healthy and balanced diet by creating a public campaign and awareness.
For instance
, in my country, a public campaign to remind wearing a mask and taking a vaccine shot successfully has dropped the number of covid-19 patients infected.
, a healthy lifestyle should
be taught and implemented from an early age at school by providing nutrient-rich food at the canteen, adding a curriculum related to
and fitness, and sports extracurricular. To sum up, eating and drinking a disproportionate of sweeteners is no doubt harmful to an individual’s
. Government plays a significant role to implement laws and regulations that will benefit the wellness of the people.
, teachers should educate their pupils as well.
Submitted by ayurizeki on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sugar consumption
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • encourage
  • expensive
  • reduce
  • effectively
  • discourage
  • tight budget
  • purchasing
  • disproportionately
  • lower-income individuals
  • healthier food choices
  • demand
  • regardless
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