In recent times, concerns have been raised about the use of electronic games by youngsters.
essay will discuss the negative impacts video games might have on children and society and Linking Words
address some solutions.
Due to the advancement in technology, households are now being equipped with ubiquitous devices. Linking Words
As a result
, the young ones are increasingly being cajoled to stay indoors probably leading to the increasing trend of childhood obesity now of public health concern. Linking Words
For example
, if the kids were to play more in open spaces, they will move around more and exercise themselves Linking Words
burning out adipose tissues. Linking Words
, with playful gadgets at their disposal comes the risk of addiction. Linking Words
, there is diverted attention and interests into unproductive things thereby reducing the quality of time for studying. Linking Words
For instance
, current statistics show that a major cause of underperformance in academics among male students is indoor gaming activities.
Some actions can be put in place by parents and teachers in order to address the overuse of playful devices by pupils. Linking Words
To begin
with, educators can add more extra-curricular work for the students to be done at home. Linking Words
, lesser time is now at their disposal for play. To illustrate Linking Words
, it has been shown that children with frequent assignments tend to be better managers of their time by focusing less on distractive things compared to their counterparts who do not get homework. Linking Words
, parents can engage their kids more in outside sports. Linking Words
, they are able to exercise more and develop a healthy lifestyle helping to curb illnesses like obesity and childhood diabetics
In conclusion, people are worried about the young ones due to their in-house entertainment lifestyle that could affect their health and school performance. With the combined effort from the trainers and the teachers, these problems can be mitigated.Linking Words