Some people think the money spent on developing technology for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The issue of whether the expense of improving technology for
is justified has been a subject of debate.
some argue that humans should use that money for earthly needs. I firmly believe that the benefits of
justify the investment,
a balanced approach is crucial. First and foremost, our planet has experienced an evolutionary process during several eras and centuries with various upgrades from multiple fields which contribute significantly to enhancing the quality of life. Thanks to the development of today’s fast-paced world, people are currently taking advantage of natural resources and consuming unsuitably. It is undeniable that uncontrolled and rampant exploitation is leading to many negative impacts
as natural disasters, poverty, pollution and climate change.
As a result
, it goes down to the fact that the earth is moderately becoming an unlivable place to live.
For instance
, because of the melting of ice, the level of water has gone up sharply in Venice and there are no optimistic indications or effective solutions to avoid
stunning city sinking into the ocean. Apart from the practical reasons expressed above, spending money on developing technology for
is regarded as a potential project to figure out some essential elements to contribute to solving earthly problems.
, it not only brings us a short-term solution but
marks a new chapter like discovering a new ideal place to replace the earth in the future. Taking Mars as an example, NASA has found some livable signals and resources on
planet that demonstrate the ability of
planet to be the second Earth and fulfil humanity’s aspiration in
research. In conclusion, the arguments for
are numerous. In spite of the decline in the quality of life and the environmental destruction, we must attend a race to find new methods to ensure the existence of humans.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
Your essay does well in addressing both sides of the argument and presenting a clear standpoint. However, ensure to refine the introduction to avoid abrupt topic shifts and state the opposing view more clearly.
task achievement
Support your main points with more concrete examples or evidence. This will further strengthen your argument and provide clearer context for your assertions.
coherence cohesion
Ensure a smooth flow between the points by using transitional phrases. This will make the reading experience more coherent and the logical flow of your essay more apparent.
Try to avoid minor grammatical mistakes and refine sentence structures for better clarity.
task achievement
Your conclusion is strong, effectively summarizing the arguments and reiterating your viewpoint.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps in framing the essay well.
coherence cohesion
Your main points are well-organized and logically structured, contributing to a persuasive argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • space exploration
  • justified expenditure
  • technological advances
  • earthly concerns
  • telecommunications
  • environmental conservation
  • inspire innovation
  • diplomatic relationships
  • peaceful cooperation
  • long-term survival
  • colonization
  • commercial ventures
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