Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in toda's world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Since past times, a current debate has been carried out and the central core regards the importance of two school subjects: science and technology and
. Half of the population states that technological and scientific sectors are essential compared to the historical
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On the contrary
, a huge proportion argues that
should be considered more essential in comparison with the previous ones. Personally, I firmly believe that our society has to recognise the key role of
’s subject.
To begin
with, science and technology have been representing an important role because of their continuous and boundless advances.
, the research’s field has been working on developing novel treatments in order to provide cures for several diseases. As a consequence, it can be considered as a benefit for our entire society because all citizens, including children, can take advantage of it.
For example
, during the Covid
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almost all of the pharmaceutic companies around the world were trying to find a solution to face the global situation.
, the discovery of
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a vaccine
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has been reached.
On the other hand
, everybody has to bear in mind the historical course of events. The more it can be learnt from the past, the more it can be used in order to face future negative situations.
, taking some events into account, it can be stated how
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is a kind of cyclical process.
For instance
, many damages and subsequent human devastation have been provoked by two nuclear bombs in the area of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the
War World. Every government should remember
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to deal with the actual situation in the area of Ukraine.
, another disaster can be avoided. All things considered, even though both of the fields are fundamental in order to reach social improvements, I support the idea that
is more essential than any other subject. According to
statement, I would suggest learning it at school and helping children to know better the roots of our society because it is the only solution to overcome all the possible situations and be proud of themselves.
Submitted by azzurrabassetti on

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