think that the most
effectReplace the word
show examples
method of learning about
is by receiving
to Change preposition
show examples
adviseReplace the word
show examples
of family and friends. It is considered by some
that personal experience is the best
of learning about
TheCorrect article usage
show examples
most teenagers prefer to
listenAdd the preposition
show examples
for learning about
due to
haveChange the verb form
show examples
aboutChange preposition
show examples
suchChange preposition
show examples
kind of situation
peopleChange preposition
show examples
who are older than us.The best
learningChange the verb form
show examples
which Correct pronoun usage
show examples
Fix the infinitive
show examples
discussChange the form of the verb
show examples
withCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
family members.
, adolescents
experienced and they may
be faceChange the verb form
show examples
difficult problems
forAdd the comma(s)
show examples
instance, less economics, lose wealth and
to their health so they need to listen clearly
theirChange preposition
show examples
parents and experienced friends without disappointments.
theCorrect article usage
show examples
think that
the Correct article usage
show examples
effectiveAdd an article
show examples
to learn about
because if
duringCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
their adolescent
, it is beneficial and useful for
nextCorrect article usage
show examples
. Each person
needChange the verb form
show examples
to control their
lifeReplace the word
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
all problems will
be solveChange the verb form
show examples
by themselves so everything depends on themselves. As an example of
, all famous
don't have
to learn about
but they achieve
themselves Correct pronoun usage
show examples
their goals without old
or friends.
In conclusion, Individual existence is the easiest
to learn about
for every young
,they know
differentChange the article
show examples
kindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of problems,be
patienceReplace the word
show examples
how to enter
difficultAdd an article
show examples
situationFix the agreement mistake
show examples