Right now, people are divided over whether obtaining a college degree is more important than focusing on improving one’s soft skills and experience for grabbing an excellent career opportunity. I will be exploring both points in
essay and present reasons for my perception.
On the one hand, the benefits of availing Linking Words
higher education are great. One of them includes being the first choice of an interviewer. To give a clear example, a job role for a scientific project which includes wet-lab work would prefer a post-graduate to a simple graduate. Not only Change preposition
but Linking Words
, pursuing studies in Universities provide massive amounts of exposure to their pupils. To exemplify, a post-graduate student can gain insights on a particular subject from a dedicated professor in the same field and can plan for post-doctoral studies ahead.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, soft skills can be improved Linking Words
at work. Nowadays, firms are providing an array of openings for their employees to build on their skills. Linking Words
For instance
, the companies are partnering or purchasing online subscriptions from sites, namely, Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn etc which are handed over to their workers free of cost. Linking Words
, when one is appointed for a job, gradually with time, an individual learns to play various roles in different teams. Linking Words
, it adds Linking Words
experience in adjusting and cooperating with teammates.
Correct article usage
To sum up
, obtaining a degree is of foremost importance as it builds on one’s knowledge and aids in getting placed at a decent company Linking Words
, in my opinion, industrial communication, leadership qualities etc can be honed with time Linking Words
in a job.Linking Words