Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Do you agree or disagree?

There are those who believe that throughout schooling, a considerable number of curricular activities consist of teaching historical facts and lacking in the development of practical skills. I totally agree with
statement as these abilities can be used to get students ready for the job market, as well as help their families. One of the cogent reasons why I support the learning of practical qualifications is because it can help youngsters when searching for the
job. In fact, entering the job market, while a teenager, requires you to have basic abilities, as you have not been earned any skilled profession. To illustrate here, many shops contract juveniles that demonstrate to have experience with computers or are good with customers.
, schools can enhance the process by addressing these practical abilities in the pupils.
, I believe that
facts are important to know, practical qualities can be seen as a way schools can encourage children to help their parents.
is because, youth can be taught to perform housing activities,
as cooking basic meals and fixing shelves, that due to the frenetic day of families nowadays, parents are not able to teach them.
, teenagers can feel more helpful to their families. In conclusion, I am in complete agreement that practical expertise should be given more consideration in the learning process.
is due to the fact that the young generation can have more success in their
jobs, and learn housing skills that can help their family. Given
situation, it seems that giving more attention to these activities at schools can be of great help for students throughout their life.
Submitted by gislainemelega on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • rote memorization
  • practical skills
  • adaptable skills
  • critical thinking
  • balanced approach
  • problem-solving
  • decision-making
  • workforce readiness
  • real-life challenges
  • technological advancements
  • information management
  • creativity hindrance
  • lifelong learning
  • skill development
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