Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organisation. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being sellf-employed?

In recent years, a great number of individuals
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have decided
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to run their own
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rather than work for others. From my point of view, there are various reasons behind
phenomenon. It might have its advantages, but there are many drawbacks as well. In
essay, I will elaborate on
more in detail. On the one hand, there are many positive reasons why people choose to be freelance workers.
, their flexibility may be a major factor. Being self-employed allows workers to do the task anytime he or she wants and anywhere he or she likes.
For example
, if they want to do the job after midnight in the bathroom, it's their choice and there is no one who complains about it.
, freelancers have more control over their income compared to people who perform regular 9 to 5 business hours. They get paid for what
Correct subject-verb agreement
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they have done and its quality, rather than hours of working.
As a consequence
, it provides more incentive to perform harder because there could be more correlation between
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effort and
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On the other hand
, a countless number of negative outcomes arise
along with
the aforementioned positive sides.
To begin
with, it can be lonely for self-employed individuals to work entirely on their own. As there are no teamwork projects, there is no one to discuss issues with, and
it is possible for them to feel isolated.
, there are other tasks that they need to do other than the main job.
For instance
, it is their responsibility to do bookkeeping and file income taxes, and it can take up a lot of time and effort unless they decide to pay for others to do the certain part.
To sum up
being self-employed has many advantages, it is undeniable that there are
many disadvantages and it is important to consider every drawback that may arise before becoming a business owner.
Submitted by yyurienn on

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task response
Expand on the reasons why people choose to be self-employed and elaborate on the drawbacks in more detail. Provide specific examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure there is a clear introduction and conclusion to provide a strong framework for your essay. Work on linking your ideas more effectively throughout the essay to improve coherence and cohesion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • self-employment
  • freelancing
  • entrepreneurship
  • autonomy
  • financial stability
  • work-life balance
  • financial insecurity
  • lack of support
  • resources
  • long working hours
  • uncertain income
  • job security
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