It is argued that unsalaried volunteer work like charity, sports lectures and taking care of the immediate surroundings ought to be made mandatory in secondary
Correct article usage
curriculum. I am in complete disagreement with Fix the agreement mistake
statement as will be explained in Linking Words
Admittedly, there are some basic benefits of undertaking volunteer unpaid jobs in college. One of which is that it makes the youngsters responsible. Linking Words
In other words
, the students are able to think of others rather than themselves as they take responsibility for other people's needs. Linking Words
For instance
, in the UK, a lot of college undergraduates are taking up care work because it enables these youngsters to support others and give them a sense of worth. Linking Words
, the young adults could attend, support, and be empathetic to other people's needs Linking Words
as well as
their welfareLinking Words
, despite the minor benefits associated with youngsters engaging in compulsory voluntary activities without pay, I believe that making community support compulsory is detrimental to the youth. One major problem is that it leads to distraction. The students will lose focus on their studies. Linking Words
That is
, they get distracted and are not able to attend to their coursework effectively. Linking Words
will result in the undergraduates having poor grades as they attend more Linking Words
the voluntary job rather than their courses. These courses would assist them in the future to acquire profitable employment. Change preposition
For example
, my neighbour's son, James, had to repeat his Senior Secondary School Examination because he volunteered to work for a Non-Governmental Organization, which took most of his study time and as Linking Words
he failed three critical subjects.
In conclusion, despite the minor upside associated with doing unsalaried volunteer employment, I strongly disagree that it should be part of the school's courses as it can lead to distraction. Linking Words
, the relevant authorities should make it not mandatory for high schools.Linking Words