Developing nations are facing issues related to the quality of air and water due to the industrialization and building work going on in the region.
situation can be waved off by the efforts of the ruling authority and the natives of that area.
Factories producing toxic wastes have decreased the health index of our natural resources. Many large industries use fuel to operate heavy machinery and Linking Words
emit harmful chemical gases like carbon monoxide into nature. When people breathe Linking Words
polluted air, it caused a devastating impact on their health. Linking Words
, waste materials that flow out from these factories into the ocean are fatal to aquatic life. Because of ,Linking Words
the overall condition of our climate goes worse day by day rendering it inhabitable for living beings. Owing to Linking Words
, Delhi’s wind quality has ranked the worst in the world due to industrialization in the past decade.
For a country to grow in each aspect, the introduction of various industrial units is an unavoidable matter but to reduce the negative impact of Linking Words
on the surroundings , the government should plan strategies.Linking Words
For instance
, making laws for manufacturing units,underlaying rules for construction,inspecting the working sites for pollutant levels and conducting surveys.Linking Words
would be helpful for the ruling party in order to take effective steps toward guarding the habitat.Linking Words
, Linking Words
would be an impactful method to deal with the disturbance at an early stage.
Linking Words
In addition
, the community can Linking Words
contribute to Linking Words
matter by creating small social groups based on environmental protection and under which activities can be organized for creating awareness,Linking Words
, campaigns can be launched as an initiative.Linking Words
For example
, Linking Words
an initiative was taken by the citizens of a small village in India against the waste discharged by a local company, which was polluting the nearby water body, Linking Words
resulted in the shutting down of that industrial site and Linking Words
prevented any Linking Words
damage to that particular water resource.Linking Words
, the local crowd can Linking Words
play a major role in waving off the harm to the surroundings.
In conclusion,both authorities and the native beings can protect the habitat by developing techniques to modify the present methods as well as acting as barricades in the path of environmental pollutants.Linking Words