In the modern world, the lives of
revolve around money and it plays a crucial role in the survival of human beings. Use synonyms
As a result
, many individuals consider the salary as a significant criterion in the selection of their job. Linking Words
, I partially agree that money is only a part of the several components that lead to happiness at their work.
On the one hand, the compensation of the job is a critical aspect to look at as it leads to a comfortable living and achieves the human desire to accomplish many material aspects of life. Linking Words
For instance
, employees, who are remunerated well in their positions, can afford a good education for children, buy their dream houses and can Linking Words
enjoy foreign trips on vacation. Linking Words
, money can assist them to sustain the storms of inflation in the ever-changing markets. Linking Words
For example
, the unprecedented covid pandemic impacted many Linking Words
to lose their jobs, and in Use synonyms
scenarios, the savings from earlier companies is useful.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are many other aspects that can play a vital role in determining satisfaction at work. Many Linking Words
desire to perform challenging tasks in their roles which can provide them with great accomplishments in their life. Use synonyms
For example
, someone who takes up different challenges compared to others who always do the mundane tasks without any element of innovation is more happy and lively at the workplace. Linking Words
In addition
, the promotions, awards and recognition could Linking Words
boost the productivity of an employee and deter one from switching to other companies.
In conclusion, both the remuneration and the reward or recognition are equally essential for individuals to draw happiness from their job. Though Linking Words
are on the lookout for more salaries based on their personal needs in the short term, they realize that the nature of work which is varied over time would be more rewarding in the long term.Use synonyms