You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter o Say what the participant liked about the hotel. o Explain why they were unhappy about the hotel. o Suggest what the manager should do to improve the food in futures.

Dear sir or madam, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the
provided by your team during my meeting with my colleagues. On May 2nd, 2022,
that is
on Monday, I arranged an all-day meeting with my co-workers at your
. Everybody applauded the aura of the
as it is beautifully decorated and has a spacious hall for
Correct article usage
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formal meetings. The uniform of the
staff shows a sense of discipline in itself. At around 3 pm, we had lunch during the break of our meeting. I realised that my colleagues were unhappy with the
as they found it a little spicy for them.
, the pasta was not hot as it should be. By impressing from the beauty of the
, everyone was expecting the delectable
, but the lunch provided by your staff disappointed us. To get the best rating and reviews by customers, you should instruct your chefs to make the
less spicy. I understand that some people like spicy
they could provide extra spices if anybody wants to
Correct pronoun usage
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, the waiters should warm the
properly before serving it. Thank you for understanding the issue and I look forward to your prompt reply to resolve it so that we can arrange our future meetings there. Yours Sincerely, Poonamjit Kaur
Submitted by poonamsandhu07 on

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